¬ No name papers receive NO CREDIT (6th grade policy) -No name papers go in a NO NAME FILE. Students are able to check the file and re-submit work (in the late in-box).
¬ No name tests lose 10% off of their total grade (1 letter grade)
¬ If student is talking (even about the weather) during a test, they will lose 10% and if it occurs again they will receive a zero. If they are cheating, they automatically receive a zero and there will be contact home.
¬ After the 1st trimester, first name only papers receive NO CREDIT (will go in the NO NAME -- see above)
¬ In class writing assignments may be retained by teacher for school-wide assessment purposes.
¬ Project grades are lowered 10% for each day they are turned in late.
¬ Letter grades correspond percentages as follows: A 100-93 A- 92-90 B+ 89-88 B 87-83 B- 82-80 C+ 79-78 C 77-73 C- 72-70 D+ 69-68 D 67-63 D- 62-60 F 59 and below
¬ Students will have nightly homework (Monday – Friday).
¬ Homework is to complete work started in class or practice skills, not assess them.
¬ Homework will take approximately 20-60 minutes a night, but will vary according to the student and the assignment(s).
¬ Most homework assignments (specifically Spelling & Math) will be given an effort grade. Points will be deducted for messiness, incomplete work and work not done according to the directions.
¬ Students are expected to record their daily homework on their calendar/agenda. Each student will have a calendar in their binder, some calendars will vary according to need.
¬ Parents are expected to check their child’s calendar and homework nightly (if needed).
¬ All homework assignments must be turned in on time – if they are even 5 minutes late, they are considered late.
¬ Students who are absent are expected to make up all work (1 day make-up time allotted for each day absent).
CLASS RULES (We have/will make Class Agreements ~ as a class)
1. Be respectful and courteous to all students and staff.
2. Make sure you know and follow all classroom procedures and routines.
3. Be prepared and prompt for school.
1. Positive notes/e-mails/phone calls home.
2. Class and group rewards (no HW board, etc…)
3. Individual rewards (Markofer Money, etc…)
I believe that all children have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, especially when they need to experience logical consequences for their choices. Therefore, I feel communications with the student, parent, and myself is vital. If the rules, routines or procedures are not adhered to, communication of some sort will occur.